Category: General

Funny thing about living life in the public domain via journaling, social media and publishing. The more you tell people about yourself; the more they want to know and the more they check up on you – just to see if what you say is true or some kind of B/S to sell products/services the
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Due to popular demand, Ashley Latter is holding a High Impact Presentation Course on the 29th April 2013! This programme is for anyone who not only wants to improve their Presentation Skills, but also for people who want to improve their communication skills whether one to one, or if you are running small meetings. Outcomes
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I’m finally over it.  I am.  I most definitely am. Folks, I don’t do ill.  Many of you out there will feel the same about sickness, being ill, being under the weather and contracting any “lurgy”.  That all belongs to someone else and I’m never ill.  We also (I’m guilty of this) have little time
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No matter how hard you try, no matter how many people you interview, no matter how much training you do – this is the reality: 5% of the people you hire will attempt to destroy everything you have created – the saboteurs 15% of the people you hire will just be crap at the job
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22 January 2013 @ 7.30 GMT Presenter: Dr. Anoop Maini Short Term Ortho with the Six Month Smiles System is a conservative and minimally invasive solution for adults with crooked teeth. The webinar will focus on how this systemized approach equips GDPs (regardless of past orthodontic experience) with the knowledge and confidence to straighten teeth in
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I’m reading Seth Godin’s new book “The Icarus Deception” and loving it. In the first chapter, the following sentence leapt out of the page at me: “If your team is filled with people who work for the company, you’ll soon be defeated by tribes of people who work for the cause.” You already know how many times
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Calling all Practice Managers and Business Development Managers of BKH coaching clients! It can be a lonely job out there sometimes… Am I right? Dealing with the team, dealing with the associates, dealing with the ‘The Dentist’…….. You are the person that is central to the practice and sorts out everyone else’s problems. But you
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So you want to grow in 2013? Here are 10 easy things that are difficult to do… improve the average daily production of your fee-earners increase the number of fee-earners increase the number of days available for fee-earning activities increase the facility utilisation of your surgeries introduce more into your product mix introduce Treatment Co-ordinators
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Remember you flew to New York for the weekend on that crazy plane? The one where the pilot was also co-pilot, navigator and cabin crew? Not so crazy as the return flight. Its a new airline who are looking to build their transatlantic passengers.   “Neither Here Nor There Air” In an interesting attempt to
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…is that you lose MOMENTUM The reason for this is that every treatment plan is a sale – and every sale is a cycle: the patient reaches a point where the pain of not doing anything is greater then the pain of doing something the patient begins to search for a solution via the web,
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