Category: Dentistry

Here’s a formula to open a brand new private squat and recruit 218 new patients in the first 6 weeks (during a recession and in the middle of a three-month snow storm). Plan carefully – spend 12 months building the detail Get the right external advisors involved early Location, location, location – a demographic that
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My friend Iqbal Kathrada writes to me on Facebook this morning: Hi Chris I visited West field Mall on the day of your seminar and lo and behold was this Smile-xpress kiosk offering Laser Whitening for £99 on the spot. there were 4 beds in cubicles , with blue light and all and patients were
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Where my biggest thrill was the announcement that Ollie and Darsh had been voted “most attractive practice”. The team have worked so hard this last year and I admit to having a wee tear in my eye as they climbed on to that stage and as my friend Daz Singh said a few words of
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Client emails me overnight as follows: “Anonymous letter to the GDC, about our recent ad in XYZ Magazine, where the phrase – “ABC Dental carries out specialist treatments such as Implants (Dr A) and Orthodontics (Dr B)” Has been construed as misleading in that we have effectively said that Dr A is a specialist in
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How happy am I that the following current or former clients have been short-listed: Most Attractive Practice Ollie and Darsh The Courtyard Huddersfield Most Improved Practice Penistone Dental Care Best Dental Team Cahill Dental Care Centre Ltd Haslemere Dental Centre Private Dentist of the Year Michael Cahill Best Community or Charity Project Aesthetics Bringing me
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Dentists spend too much time thinking about one type of margin. The margins that are associated with teeth. And not enough time thinking about an equally important subject. The profit margin on the work they do. Real life example: special offer on Invisalign – £2900 (cheapest price in town) plus free home whitening plus a
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As soon as I arrived at the Exeter Chiefs rugby stadium yesterday morning, I somehow knew that the day would be a good one. I’ve been presenting workshops for enough years now to reflect upon the key ingredients for a successful day: Venue – a bright, modern, well lit, air-conditioned lecture room. Plenty of easy
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  Dear Chris, I am just feeling a little unsure as October approaches. This is when Denplan write to all the patients to inform them of our 2010 fees, with a 5% increase as discussed with you before. I was really hoping by now to be 100% definite about building the new practice and I
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…and not when you want me to have it. I was writing this week’s ezine earlier today – and reflecting (as you will see) on television series in box sets. The box-set has been one of the ways in which I can enjoy media, given my travel schedule and zany lifestyle. It got me thinking
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My post yesterday about the rapping flight attendant brought a raft of responses – my favourite of which was a pointer at some the brilliant videos created by Air New Zealand. And here is my winner. The antidote to any patient or customer who tells you they want to shop around for cheaper dentistry.