Another sleepless night. This morning I am driving to Rome for a 4-day break so lets hope that breaks the habit of “not sleeping”. I may blog if the fancy takes me but officially, I’ll be back next Monday.
Another sleepless night. This morning I am driving to Rome for a 4-day break so lets hope that breaks the habit of “not sleeping”. I may blog if the fancy takes me but officially, I’ll be back next Monday.
After a very busy working day on Monday I was feeling pleased with myself. In spite of some remnants of “jet lag” from last week, my determination to clear the decks before a short break had me ticking those boxes on the good old “to do” list. At 4.30pm I decided to take a short
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I have to admit that the principle reason I bought this book was “fear” of being out-read by my clients, colleagues and competitors. After all, so many people have read or listened to “The 7 habits” that buying the new book is similar to buying the latest version of Windows – you don’t need it
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At the close of the two Intensives I made a specific request that those attending would send me a written testimonial, within 2 working days, to explain the benefits they had accrued from being there. I am now sitting in a world of appreciation – its great. And I also requested permission to use those
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Interesting that I have started reading Covey’s “8th Habit” and, this morning, he talks about his 4 intelligences/capacities. They are: a. Mental Intelligence (IQ) – what we can do with our brains b. Physical/Economic Intelligence (PQ) – what we can do with our bodies c. Emotional/Social Intelligence (EQ) – what we can do with our
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Its 4.45am in Vancouver and my car to the airport arrives in 15 minutes. Here goes for a long journey – Toronto first, three hour stop over and then overnight to Milan and a week’s vacation. There is much happening in Barrow-land, to do with immigration issues – I will reveal all in a few
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Two Coaching Business School Intensives delivered. Two unique experiences. Two distinct groups with their own dynamic. I am realising, after this trip to Canada, how important the “tribal experience” is to the coaches and how important it is that they have a tribal elder/leader who has the wisdom to teach, train and consultant, the patience
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I was really worried yesterday – because after the “party” at last week’s Toronto Intensive (22 of us never stopped laughing for 3 days), the prospect of working with 5 clients for 3 days was daunting. The room was very quiet, few questions were asked during the morning. I was using lots of energy and
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I was called to task on my use of language the other day. A coach was asking me how easy/difficult it was to fill the two coaching programmes (or schools) that we offer. I replied, “after 10 years it is still a struggle.” The distinction came later. “Chris, when you tell me its still a
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Big “aha” moment in yesterday’s Intensive. Its an old saying that: “Efficient is doing things right. but effective is doing the right thing right.” I have always been efficient – ever since 1980 and my first time-management course. 1. make a list of all you have to do; 2. A/B/C the list; 3. do the
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