I know that I will get some great ideas and insights today.
Its 8.30am here in Italy, I have written my ezine for the week and emailed it to Team CB for issue, I haven’t read any client emails – and yet I know it will be a great day for ideas. How can that be?
Because today is a “call-in” day.
We open an on-line appointment manager with 7 days notice.
We email our clients (coaches and dentists) and invite them to visit the scheduler and book themselves in for 15-minute laser coaching calls.
I make 3 such calls in every hour – I call them.
We get to the point and we coach.
And its one of my favourite days in the calendar.
Because it’s “live and uncut”, because each call is short and to the point (no moaning or prattling on) and because the clients themselves always come up with great questions that produce great answers.
So I know its going to be a good day – even before I start.
And “call-in” days are a fabulous way of leveraging my time and energy.
So that’s my inspiration – what about the interruption?
The road outside our Italian apartment is to be resurfaced this week.
Yesterday, an army of workers arrived and spent the whole afternoon with a pneumatic drill, cracking the concrete road surface.
They began again just a few minutes ago.
So my “call-in” day will have to move location into my 17-year old son’s loft bedroom – because that’s the only place I can hear and think.
He’ll be delighted when I wake him up before lunchtime.
Inspiration and interruption