Here, from last week’s live event in Toronto, courtesy of Michel Neray of www.essentialmessage.com: 1. Speak 2. Sign people up for your e-zine 3. Sales happen
Here, from last week’s live event in Toronto, courtesy of Michel Neray of www.essentialmessage.com: 1. Speak 2. Sign people up for your e-zine 3. Sales happen
Monday was the 4th quarter dental workshop in Plymouth, Devon. A timely reminder of the principle of “reservoir marketing”….. That when a prospect says “no” to your business proposal – it may mean “no never” or it may mean “no not now”. You have to ask for clarification and not sink into a “failure” attitude.
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You know I’ve been blathering on all week about my two gigs with the co-author of Profitable Dental Practice, Prof. Phil Newsome? Well Phil mentioned that he is speaking today (Saturday) at the national conference of Denplan, the biggest dental insurance provider in the UK. And he will be mentioning and featuring the book. So
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