Category: Human Interest Marketing

The answer to the question depends on what type of marketing you are doing: External marketing – shouting at strangers either in print, via broadcast media or digitally; Internal marketing – whispering to your friends (and their friends) through face to face conversation, in print or digitally. If you are investing in any marketing, the
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A fascinating dinner in Harpenden last night with European and UK Audiologist of the Year, Robert Bieny, founder of Hearing Healthcare Practice. In his 5th decade of serving patients, Robert has that calmness and wisdom of experience that has me mentally noting the individual phrases he uses in answer to my many questions. I’ve been
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Your brand standard is excellence. Here’s a little lunch and learn for you to try as soon as you can. Ask everyone in your team to define what excellence means to them and come up with three words to illustrate that meaning. Efficient? On-time? Polite? Collect their responses. Post them on a wall. Create a
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I’ve frequently commented that people don’t contact me because they are happy. So when the emails arrive, what is motivating the enquiry? The requests for help seem to fall into three categories: people who want to learn how to do something for the first time I want to learn all about digital marketing and how
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I’m reminded, here in Ireland, that there are some people (patients) from Hale and Hampstead who choose to wear their money on the outside and others, perhaps from Cork and Kendal, who prefer to wear their money on the inside. A detailed conversation with a Jewish client last week educated me that “religious Jews” (his phrase)
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The Empty Quarter is the largest uninhabited desert area in the world, 2/5th of which is in Oman, 1,000km of gravel flats and dunes traversed by a tarmac road that carries HGV traffic from the North to the South of the country. Dotted along the road are gas stations and restaurants, providing fuel stops for
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