I’ve used the “flying” metaphor before in posts and infographics – with “dental” jobs for the pilot, co-pilot, navigator and crew. On a modern flight deck we mortals see a bewildering array of information that helps the crew take off, stay up in the air, stay on course, respond to change and land safely. Historically,
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Category: General
What is the target in your dental business for net profit before tax (and before owner’s drawings)? In my experience, you should be aiming at the following: £500,000 in sales = 30% £1,000,000 in sales = 25% £2,000,000 in sales = 20% £3,000,000 in sales (and above) = 17.5% Why does the profit margin decline,
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The reasons why associates tell you that they don’t sell much private dentistry: Excuses I only ever do what is clinically necessary The patients cannot afford it around here They can get the same thing cheaper down the road I don’t feel confident doing that treatment It isn’t ethical to reduce teeth – I prefer preventative dentistry
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I want you to imagine that you call a team meeting at your practice. You announce that EVERYONE is to be granted a 100% pay rise with immediate effect. The pay rise is conditional simply on the individuals concerned agreeing to personal and professional development. Here are my questions for you: what would you expect
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Yesterday I enjoyed two rail journeys across the Pennines after another interesting day with Gary Dickenson and the team from Cfast at their new offices on the outskirts of York. By the way – direct train travel to and from from Manchester Airport (8 minutes drive from home) is both easier and cheaper than the
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The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies by Chet Holmes My rating: 5 of 5 stars View all my reviews This is simply the best book on sales, networking and CRM that I have ever read. Its not often I say this but I am going to schedule
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I’ve been uncharacteristically quiet on social media these last few weeks – blog posts especially few and far between. Partly because of the sheer amount of travel and delivery – there have been many journeys and meetings with old friends and new. We are very busy working with clients at 7connections. Partly because I’ve been
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Question: "I’ve seen adverts for dental implants at £675 and you are quoting £1950. Why is there such a difference?" Answer: "We cannot explain how other dental practices arrive at their prices but can we suggest that you ask them the following questions before you proceed to treatment: Is that price for my implant fully
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Collection is about collecting names, addresses, smartphone numbers, email addresses and social media links. Data. Any individual or organisation can collect data. Many make it a bribe. Most often, if I want “free wifi” I have to deposit my data. To get a free download – data (even I do that). When you check in
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I keep on harping on about “operating costs per surgery per day” (OCPSPD) as being possibly THE most important number in private dentistry. Total running costs Less lab. Less materials. Less clinician’s fees. Which means we are looking at the costs of running your business, even if no patients or clinicians show up. Then –
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