Special offer from Dental Focus:
At Dental Focus, our clients’ Return on Investment (ROI) is measured using our 5 Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
This is a confidential measurement of your website’s success, week-on-week, based on REALISED OUTCOMES:
1. Your website enquiries
2. Your website revenue
3. Your website thoughts
This is NOT about jargon, rankings, statistics as you should already receive full 24/7 direct access to your Google Analytics from your project manager.
Every week, we care to find out the answer to the most important question: Does your website work?
At the end of each week, you will receive this “Weekly KPI” email with a link to access your personal survey, which you should kindly ask your practice manager to complete.
Offer: For any non-Dental Focus client who consistently completes the Weekly KPI we will provide with quarterly reports free of charge