Back bright and early at The Sheraton and straight into a groundhog day with the delegates.Today’s agenda:
Day Two
The Patient Experience Session
A complete overview of your patient experience to ensure that you are delivering customer service that will generate positive reviews and recommendations.
• First digital contact – making it engaging and easy to connect with you;
• First human contact – ensuring that your telephony and front desk team are delivering an experience that converts enquiries into consults:
• First consult – increasing your conversion of enquiries to consults;
• Treatment co-ordination and plan presentation – increasing your conversion of consults to plans and plans to treatment taken up;
• Managing your sales pipeline – making sure that fish, once caught, don’t slip out of the net;
• The Morning Huddle – using the huddle as a focal point for patient engagement;
• The End of Treatment Conversation – enrolling your patients as practice ambassadors.
The Patient Experience Session will appeal to owners, managers and TCOs
The Personal Development Session
• Time management for owners and managers;
• Personal organisation for owners and managers;
• Leadership, management and why it’s important to know the difference if you want to build a great team;
• Your overall business strategy for the next 10 years.
In the event, the first session occupied around two-thirds of our time and there was a particularly interesting conversation about the effective use of TCOs, relatively rare in Australia.
Once I had the opportunity to share the job descriptions of a few UK-based TCOs, the penny seemed to drop.
The day simply flew by and, working with a smaller group, we had ample opportunity to meander away from their core material and answer specific questions from delegates regarding their own practices.
Our concluding session on time, priority and calendar management proved nothing more than the fact that we all have to work hard to stay ahead in the noisy world.
17:00 and no chance to run late this evening as people had flights to catch.
The feedback from attendees exceeded my expectations and was a huge confidence boost after yesterday’s initial fears. Australia workshop 1 has been a success, my material transfers and the audience soaked up the information.
Lawrence Neville , Cigdem Kipel and I enjoyed a couple of welcome beers and good conversation at the hotel bar, whilst weekenders and party-goers gathered around us for their Saturday night out.
Back at the apartment, my Saturday was two rounds of toast, a glass of Shiraz and an early night.