Great workshop last night, a happy audience, wonderful testimonials from three dentists who are existing clients, a few tasters for our next Belfast DBS workshop in March, a new DBS client who arrived with his paperwork and a confirmed 10th member for our 2007 Mastermind Group – that’s a good evening PLUS a phone call from Paul Nelson to say that he had greeted a new client into our Manchester group during the day.
Once again, the team at the Hilton helped us all the way through and, after a slow start this morning, I’m writing the ezine and catching up with emails in the 12th floor Executive Lounge.
Later I’ll be flying back to England and making my way to Leeds for a 2-day mini-retreat that starts tomorrow morning and will consume me for 48 hours.
It’s been a record three months for sales – the best we have ever experienced in the 9 years of the DBS – and I’m on a professional high.
Business is good – and there’s always room for more.
The most important aspect of this was, last evening. listening to the existing clients report back on the difference we have made to their personal and professional lives – it was kind of them and a humbling/inspiring moment in the day.
To know that you have dedicated your professional life to a “good thing” – that’s priceless.
I have many happy memories associated with Belfast.
Service you can rely upon