..I stayed last night at the Copthorne Hotel in Plymouth.
A trip to Plymouth yesterday and a flight from Exeter to Leeds/Bradford later this morning were enough to suggest that just one more overnight stay this year would be tolerable.
Outside, the hotel looks like a Stasi interrogation centre.
I even have spikes embedded on the window-sill of my 4th floor room, so that I cannot attempt suicide?
Inside it’s just another tired, 70’s building that needed refurbishment in 1989 – but we had a recession that year.
I disappear into my “executive” (ha!) room and hunker down for the evening.
At 5.00pm 200+ North American coaches listen to me give an hour’s presentation on how I built my practice and we then enjoy some questions and answers.
At 8.00pm 20 dentists join me for a webinar – all of us live with VoIP and web-cams – looking at my PowerPoint on Ethical Selling and asking more questions until nearly 10.00pm. They are a good group and I enjoy using the technology – how great that 20 of us can meet face to face from all around the country.
In between the “gigs” I wander out on to the streets of Central Plymouth and grab some fast food and an esspresso. The city shopping centre was built in the 60’s and has to be one of the ugliest in the country.
Hitler bombed the first town centre flat – and somebody really does need to invite Osama Bin Laden to hold a training weekend here. Just ask the residents to leave and blow the whole place to bits – then hold a reality TV show for B-listed celebrities to come and rebuild it.
Cross Plymouth off your list of places to visit.
I’m off to Exeter airport.
Just when I thought the lousy hotels were over for the year..