Monday and I have just checked in to the Marriott in Bristol for this evening’s Talking Points presentation.
Whoever designed the traffic system in Bristol should be made to drive around it eternally – its a shocker of congested roads. I witnessed a road rage incident on the way in to the hotel – driver X gets out of his car and shouts the “f” word over and over again at the bewildered driver of car Y – then driver X gets back in his car and nearly kills himself and several others, swerving across 3 lanes of traffic to take an exit route.
This is week 3 of the tour and 4 more dates – Bristol, Swansea, Southampton and our grand finale in London on Thursday night.
I’ll be glad when its over – truly sick of hotel rooms now and living out of my travel bag.
But the visibility in UK dentistry is fantastic, as measured by a gradual increase in ezine readership numbers.
Tomorrow morning I have an early start to drive south first, an hour to Exeter, where I will meet with Barbara and Steph for a half-day management meeting. I’m really looking forward to seeing them both and discussing our business strategy and tactics for the next three months.
Here we go again……