I could never quite understand why Superman chose the frozen wastes to build a place where he could think straight. OK – he didn’t feel the cold but you would have a thought a nice little hut on stilts over the Indian Ocean or something?
Anyway – I have found a couple of places here at The Grand where I can think:
1. the patio. Obviously during the summer months people eat al fresco but presently they are huddled indoors as the temperature steadily drops towards -10. However, there are heaters and, provided you situate yourself right under them, its quite pleasant.
I’ve been taking breakfast there, listening to the background chill-out music and sharing my toast with a black squirrel (christened Nelson) and a small gang of city-sparrows.
Last night I took dinner there alone after a busy day of coaching and teleseminars.
2. The pool – is in the basement. Its very big and well decorated to look like a 17th Century English estate. Nobody else has been there except me – and the last two evenings I have plodded steadfastly up and down the pool for 30 minutes and then relaxed in the jacuzzi and sauna – not a soul about.
Great time to reflect on the day just gone and look forward to the day ahead.
I was also in bed for 9.30pm last night – all tucked up and lights out – so I feel great today.
Time to think, to relax, to plan, to rest.
Probably why the coaching yesterday was superb.
Fortress of solitude