Category: Facilities

I’m frequently contacted by people who have products and services of relevance to my clients. For over 20+ years I have maintained a policy that I do not accept introducers fees or commissions – I simply broadcast and comment on good ideas. When it comes to dental business needing attention, Smart Dental Compliance & Training
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You know how I’ve been rattling on about The Daily Huddle in the last week? Last weekend, Annie and I stayed at York and Albany, Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant/townhouse hotel in London’s Regents Park area. After Sunday breakfast and a walk around Camden, we returned to notice The Daily Huddle taking place at the back of
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I’d like to thank Sara and Mike Reece for showing me around their lovely practice outside Sutton Coldfield and also for talking me through the Smilescool concept and business model. Notable notes: I did actually say “wow” when I walked through the door – lovely premises and then I immediately set about giving them my
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