Category: Conversation

When my kids were little (a.k.a. the 90’s) we would frequently take the last 2 weeks of August as a family holiday, so that the first Monday in September would be the “back to work” day. I well remember how often that Sunday night’s sleep would be broken by a mind active with anticipation and
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I’m always keeping my eyes and ears open for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from within my own client base and community. One of the regulars is along the lines of: “I’m unhappy with another individual’s performance and/or behaviour and I need to talk to them about it – but I don’t want it to get
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Sometimes, writing things down is part of the catharsis of dealing with them. I write a hand-written diary every morning, come rain or shine, whether I’m at work, at home or on holiday. That’s for my very own personal feelings and not intended for publication whilst I’m alive (and unlikely to make the best-seller list
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I cast my mind back to 1998 – I am 12 months into dental business coaching and accepting every speaking invitation that comes in, no matter how far away or obscure, to build my visibility and community (hmmm… maybe not much has changed). Imagine, if you will, an evening at Stockport Town Hall, presenting to
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Here’s a list of reasons why you could give up, throw the towel in, sell up and go: The threat of litigation; The burden of compliance; The meddling of Government; The squeeze by insurance companies: The scarcity of good clinicians and team members; The irritation and dilution of competition; The behaviours of your most troublesome
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Friday morning and a day in The Bunker on video calls with coaching clients – a monthly catch up between workshops that gives them a chance to ask me questions and me a chance to feel the pulse of my client base and, thus, the larger dental community. This week we also hosted a group
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We have previously agreed that new patients come to see you because: they have moved in to the area and are looking for long-term care for themselves and family; they are in pain and want out; something’s broken – it doesn’t hurt but they want it fixing because it’s an inconvenience; they are approaching a
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