Are HMRC closing in on associate self-employed status?

I’m frequently contacted by people who have products and services of relevance to my clients. For over 20+ years I have maintained a policy that I do not accept introducers fees or commissions – I simply broadcast and comment on good ideas.

Aaron Ferguson combines his role as Managing Director of North Wales micro-corporate West End Dental Group with that of Director of Manchester-based Chartered Accountants Berg & Williams.

He recently shared with me a white paper on “HMRC compliance action for dental surgeons” that you also can download HERE.

It is a brief but thought-provoking document for all owners and associates who may have received, or could receive a letter from the Revenue challenging the self-employed status of associates.

You can also book a free 30-minute consultation with Aaron’s firm HERE.





Published by

Chris Barrow

Chris Barrow has been active as a consultant, trainer and coach to the UK dental profession for over 20 years. As a writer, his blog enjoys a strong following and he is a regular contributor to the dental press. Naturally direct, assertive and determined, he has the ability to reach conclusions quickly, as well as the sharp reflexes and lightness of touch to innovate, change tack and push boundaries. In 2014 he appeared as a “castaway” in the first season of the popular reality TV show “The Island with Bear Grylls”. His main professional focus is as Coach Barrow, providing coaching and mentorship to independent dentistry.

One thought on “Are HMRC closing in on associate self-employed status?”

  1. This is thought provoking and is something that professionals who advise dental practitioners should be taking a note of. I’m advising more frequently on whether associates are genuinely self employed or not and am currently advising on numerous claims going through the Employment Tribunals on this issue. The Taylor Report did state that the Government would be looking into employment status, but with Brexit this has been delayed, so watch this space!

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