Working until 11.00pm local time again last night with a group of coaches from North America, the UK and Germany.
Yesterday’s webinar covered our “coaching pie” – the various ways in which we deliver coaching to our clients.
I shared with those attending my professional evolution – from 1994, 8 clients, a flip-chart and me – to 2005 and the amazing technology that we use to deliver workshops, bridge calls, weekly reporting, laser call-in days and more besides.
I was thinking after we finished last night, how much I take for granted the technology that we use – many experienced coaches on the webinar were simply amazed at our business systems and the low price that we pay for them.
A request came for a summary and explanation of our technology and this gave me the idea to create a passive revenue product to explain “how we do it”.
After the “oil-rig shifts” (a term I use to describe the occasional very long days that we have to invest – yesterday was 6.00am to 11.00pm with a few breaks along the day) I usually feel pretty “fuzzy” the next day – kind of OK but tired – and tend to take an “amble day” to recover – still working but at a much slower pace.
In fact, today I am traveling again, down to London for a meeting this afternoon with yet another immigration attorney, hopefully to make some progress with that chapter of my life.
My prayer is that the luck of the Irish will be with me today. My maternal grandparents came from Ireland, possibly accounting for my hair colour although not my temperament.
In fact, my Mum has always maintained that the day of my birth, 9th September 1953, was a Jewish holiday and that a fortune teller explained that I would always be lucky as a result.
Well Lady Luck clearly works in mysterious ways if one takes the last 12 months into account – but then I can already see many silver linings in the adversities that we have dealt with.
As Thomas Leonard said, “look for the perfection” – it’s there somewhere.
Another webinar completed