Saturday 360 miles from Cornwall to Milton Keynes.Sunday 360 miles from Milton Keynes to Edinburgh.Please don’t even mention the outrage that Strictly Come Dancing revealed on Sunday evening – I can hardly think about it without my maraccas getting in a twist….I enjoy the upgraded room at my hotel but not the 3.00am alarm call from the party of shrieking drunks in the street outside.At 3.45am I give up and switch on the lappie – dressed fetchingly in my complimentary white dressing gown and my own brown sheepskin boots, I’m relieved that we don’t have a fire alarm as happened on my last trip.All work done before 6.00am and then back for a couple of hours of fitful sleep before my favourite breakfast of haggis and fried eggs.The temperature here in the Scottish capital is minus 2 degrees and that’s a shock after walking around in light sweaters last week in Falmouth. I’m quickly layering and will buy some mittens shortly.Today I am using my hotel room as an office and have completed all my writing assigments and phone calls for the day, as well as final preparation for our BACD presentation on Saturday in London.Lunch was a hot bowl of mushroom soup at “Dirty Dicks” and a pint of Wadworths 6X – lovely stuff for a winter afternoon.It’s 2.30pm and I’m going to switch off now and go for a long walk in the cold air before darkness falls.The air conditioning in my room has stopped working and the temperature in here is slowly falling – my Polish� hotel engineer� has called around to tell me that there is a fault and that he is “verking on it” – I’m not hopeful and will be staying layered this evening I think.I hope the revellers stay at home tonight – I want to get to bed early before tomorrow’s marketing workshop.I’m 700 miles north of home and the light is failing already – Edinburgh is such a beautiful city – one of my favourites – but it takes a hardy soul to cope with this climate.
A freezing start in Edinburgh