It’s my last formal DBS workshop today – in Edinburgh – and although I’ll be making some smaller presentations between now and the end of the year, this is the finale of the workshop year.
There won’t be champagne and dancing elephants at 4.30pm this afternoon but I’ll be heaving a sigh of relief internally as three and a half months of business travel begin to draw to a close.
We had a hoot in Bristol yesterday – and audience of over 50 people who were “up for it” and ready to laugh and participate. That’s one of my perfect days and although my journey to Scotland didn’t finish until very late last night, I was energised by the clients of the day.
We also welcomed another 2 new clients to the DBS – sales continue to pour in. Dentistry is booming.
In answer to a question at the workshop – “Why do marketing when my appointment book is full?”
“You dig a well when it’s raining – not when the rain stops.”
It’s raining patients in the UK presently – but that will not last forever.
It’s raining clients at the DBS presently – but that will not last forever.
So the marketing continues – without a break.