Back in the 1980’s, when I was the owner of my own financial planning firm, my accountant was Will Kintish. He was a senior partner at one of the biggest Manchester City Centre practices and he could not have looked more like an accountant – blue suit, white shirt, red tie.
But I “clicked” with Will because he had the personality of an entreprenuer and understood me.
Look at him now – he has just been on BBC TV as one of the UK’s leading authorities on business networking – see more here.
I always knew he had it in him – more importantly, he had the nerve to take the bungee jump, give up a lucrative career and massively change direction.
Let that be an inspiration to us all.
Monday was a mental travel day for me – I left Falmouth at 4.30am and drove 240 miles to Farnham in Surrey for a client meeting. I’d rather do that than spend yet another night in a hotel bed.
For me, there is something quite magical about driving very fast, very far, at that early hour.
Nothing much on the road except me in my 5.7 litre GTO – listening to some new music I picked up over the weekend – notably a compilation album of cover versions (called “Version”) by Mark Ronson and the Artic Monkeys new album.
A great day with my client, working on his 2007/8 marketing plan – and then a further journey to Bristol, where I will be presenting a workshop today.
A long day – but very satisfying – especially as my newsletter goes out today, including a very personal article about a crisis of self-confidence that I suffered last week.
I’m in solution and creative destruction mood – watch out!
You can do anything