The Dental Business School will deliver client workshops in Manchester, Leeds and Belfast this week.
In addition, Barbara and I will spend tomorrow (Tuesday) in a management meeting, focusing on our 2006 calendar and work schedule. I plan some radical changes in my working habits for the first time in a decade.
Friday will see us all at The Dental Showcase – the biggest professional and trade exhibition for dentists in the UK. In fact Barbara, Steph and Simon will be there for 3 days from Thursday and I’ll be hoping to make an appearance on Friday and maybe Saturday.
For the first time, we are sharing an exhibition stand – with our good friends Yvonne Wallace and the team from Designer Dental. With the help of Cathy Johnson we have prepared an audio CD pack as a handout, featuring a 45-minute introduction to The Dental Business School, nicely packaged with my business card.
So as busy week ahead and I’m really looking forward to it – connected with clients and marketing our little socks off.
The marketing campaign we have planned for the next 3 months is arguably the biggest in the history of the school – add to that my request for help in looking for a sales manager (as featured in last week’s ezine) – I’m taking lead conversion more seriously than at any time in the last 10 years.
Workshops and marketing