My favourite comment of the day – from a new client attending our Manchester workshop:
“Up until last November I was an associate in a dental practice. I used to finish work by 6.00pm every evening and go to my gym for a work-out – then a few drinks with friends, a meal and in bed by 10.00pm.
Then I bought my own dental practice.
Now I work until 9.00pm most days, go home to drink half a bottle of Merlot and crash into bed.
I am working evenings and weekends trying to keep my business on track, as well as delivering the dentistry.
Last weekend I managed 9 holes of golf for the first time in ages, although I spent most of my time looking for lost balls.
In the old days, when I returned from a vacation, I would wear my “fat pants” for a few weeks until I lost weight again.
Now I wear my “fat pants” all the time.”
What a succinct description of the pleasures of self-employment!
Wearing your fat pants