Another 4.30am start on Friday morning – and another dawn over Bodmin as I drive 370 miles to speak at a dental conference in Lincoln.
Audience are members of the Regional Post-Graduate group and my financial reward for the day is very low – section 63 funding they call it – which means barely more than my travel expenses for the journey (although in the Pontiac that will be a small fortune!).
Ashley Latter is in full flow when I arrive at 11.30am – he is covering the morning session on Ethical Sales and I have an afternoon on personal planning and marketing for beginners.
My first gig since returning from holiday and a lively audience of 100 in an excellent venue – an Inland Revenue Training Centre that is state of the art.
I enjoy being back on my feet again – and meeting up with a former client I haven’t seen for years.
Why do Ashley and I do this?
Because its all about visibility in the profession.
Sometimes we are paid handsomely for a gig – sometimes the money is a pittance – you have to take them all.
500 miles driven by the end of the day – but 100 new friends created.
There is no fast way to success – only the slow way – here I am – 11 years into coaching dentists and still gigging my heart out.