I’m about to pack my bags for a 3-day visit to Bristol.
My first port of call is rather embarrassing – I picked up a speeding ticket (38mph in a 30mph zone) about 4 months ago and I’ve been offered the opportunity to attend a “safer-driving” workshop as an alternative to penalty points on my driver’s licence.
So this afternoon I will invest 3 hours of my life and I have no doubt that a further blog post will follow. I’m also rather giggly about arriving in my bright yellow 5.7 litre V8 Pontiac GTO and the extent to which that will endear me to the course presenters – do you think it will be an automatic fail?
“Mr. Barrow showed no remorse.”
Dinner tonight will be with Dr. John Barry, CEO of Isoplan and all-round good egg and mate. John is one of the few true “dentreprenuers” as I call them – he doesn’t do clinical dentistry any more – he is truly building enterprises and I find my time with him is always inspiring.
Friday and Saturday is a career-first for me.
I have invited (at my own considerable expense) a group of 20 current and former clients to advise me over 2 days on how best to grow The Dental Business School over the next 10 years.
I will be asking them to create their own ideal shopping list of the services they would like to deliver – how best I can help them to achieve their outcomes.
My central focus will be to create a new “company” within the DBS group – a company that will offer a lifetime community for dentists who want the best practice operational systems in the profession.
I will bring you news from the meeting as it unfolds.
Excitement is my overwhelming emotion around this event – how many coaches do you know who would invest over £5,000 to find out what their clients want?
Ultimate client feedback