The media are now telling us that the flood recovery systems in the UK are the biggest since World War II – and here in Torquay this morning it’s wet, windy and cold.
Later this morning I’ll be registering at Ashley Latter’s Ethical Selling programme for the first time in about 4 years and I’m looking forward to the show.
Arriving in Torquay last evening I vindicated the decision to stay away from the course hotel – and checked into a lovely little family-owned boutique hotel – with free wi-fi access throughout – so (sad pupply that I am) the good news will be lots of email time in the next 48 hours.
You can see the view here from my bedroom window – the course hotel will be an interesting 5 minute drive or 20 minute drenching walk after breakfast.
Yesterday’s burn out feels better this morning – I enjoyed a busy day at home and the journey here last night.
Torquay is a beautiful Regency sea-side resort, with a town-centre that has been drawn over to the Dark Side of pubs, bars and clubs brimming over with the dregs of British working-class low-life.
Even a short walk to a local trattoria last night (Biancos – a welcome sanctuary of good food, wine and customer service) was overshadowed by the need to nervously run the gauntlet of shaven-headed thugs and short-skirted tarts making their way into what would obviously become a traditonal night of alcolhol, dancing, smoking, eating kebabs and fighting or knee-trembling.
Bloody awful place – and I’m sure I know at least one regular reader of this blog (and local dentist) who will be quick to tell me that there are nicer parts of town – they just weren’t on show.
On the way here last night – a great bridge call with some of our Mastermind Group clients – the focus of which was how to turn a traditional NHS practice into an ethical lead generation and lead conversion business.
Then, a welcome chance to catch up with Simon Hocken and share our thoughts and progress on the joint-ventures we are considering at present.
Finally, a call to California and check-in with Kimberly Black, who is working back-stage on the development of our first dental toolkit – watch out for that in a few months.
So – beakfast will be in an hour and I’m going to answer some emails.
Hopefully tomorrow I’ll bring you a report on what’s happened at Ash’s programme – I expect to meet some old friends there.
Torquay, Rain and Ethical Selling