What on earth am I doing writing a blog entry on a Sunday morning?
1. Jet lag – haven’t slept past 4.30am since I’ve been here (5 days now);
2. Still in “work” mode. I finished my 2-day Coaching Business Forum last night with our 50 delegates and, this morning, I get to relax whilst Andrea Lee presents here “Multiple Streams of Income” workshop as a bonus session;
3. Because I am trying to re-create the habit of blogging so the best way for me to do that is to programme my mind to do this first thing as a journaling exercise.
The 2-day intensive has been a joy to deliver, very different from Vancouver in September (same slides, same me but different delegates) and we have shared amazing insights on how to develop our coaching practices.
So many “truffles” (great ideas) that it will take some time to digest them all.
We have an open format Q&A session with our clients this afternoon – I love these sessions – yours truly on a bar stool at the front of the room just asking “how can I help?” – and no inkling of how the conversation will go.
Tomorrow, a day with Team CB – Jen and Barbara, discussing our business plans for the next 90 days.