That’s the phrase just used by my restaurant manager at the Cedar Court Hotel in Huddersfield.
You see, I’m sat in the lounge writing emails and it’s 9.00am. I haven’t been through for breakfast yet – and if I don’t go through soon they may have to work a full shift.
I arrived and asked for a cup of tea.
“Please may I have some tea?”
“Will you be taking breakfast sir?”
“Yes – in about half an hour but I have some work to do – so can I have a cup of tea?”
“Will you be taking that in the restaurant or the lounge?”
“In the lounge”
“And will you be taking breakfast in the lounge?”
“No – in the restaurant.”
“Well then you will have to pay me now because it’s a separate department.”
“OK – I’ll pay now.”
“That will be £2.50.”
I gave her a £20 note just to be bloody awkward.
She gave me my change and said:
“You will have to be for breakfast before 9.30am – they don’t like you to be late in.”
I wonder who “they” are – a master race who remain hidden but organise hotel kitchens? Probably giant lizards.
Back on the road again – after flying from Manchester to Cornwall on Monday, I drove over to Liskeard to see Chris Smirthwaite and his senior team at The Smile Centre. They all came on my core programme a few years ago and we are now discussing an advanced coaching relationship.
I asked Chris “why bother” to go back into coaching – he has a great practice, profitable, well-presented and they have cornered the private dental market in their area.
“I want to leave a legacy – to be the best in 10 years from now if I choose to retire.”
That’s a man with vision, mission, roles and goals.
I have my fingers crossed that we can agree to work together – I like Chris, Bridget and Vicky.
After that it’s an early start to drive from Cornwall back up to Leeds (I know – madness) and my first evening presentation in Brighouse.
A fascinating meeting en route with a former client who wants to set up a dental teaching academy – I think he has a fantastic idea and I’d like to get involved as an investor and director, as well as coach – but that’s a decision he must make.
And then to the evening’s audience of 40 – mainly principals and practice managers – which means less laughter but more serious conversation.
I’m very tired this morning and, after breakfast (hurry up Sir) and a few more emails, I’ll be driving up to Newcastle.
You can always rely on a great environment to stop over for coffee and a jam doughnut.
Unfortunatley, not everywhere has a “west coast coffee shop” – especially Liskeard, where I had to sit in Morrisons supermarket for an hour’s emails – and yesterday, Exeter services, which consistently fails to impress.
This glamorous life of mine.
"They don't like you to be late in."