There is a path to success in building a professional practice:
1. determine exactly what your message is and to whom it is directed;
2. create visibility in your chosen niche (the marketing funnel);
3. generate leads -those who are curious enough to ask for more information;
4. convert leads – into fee-paying clients;
5. retain clients – give them services that will allow them to stay and not leave your fee-paying circle.
I have always been very good at some of these steps and lousy at others:
1. the message – more profit in less time for dentists – a viable practice for coaches – 10/10;
2. visibility – gigs, articles, guest appearances – 10/10;
3. lead generation – the ezine – 7/10;
4. lead conversion – entirely passive – lousy – 1/10;
5. retention – never offered anything beyond my core programme – lousy – 1/10.
I want to change this.
1. I want to recruit a sales manager for The Dental Business School – working for 10% of gross revenues and solely responsible for lead conversion from our massive and under-utilised database of warm prospects.
2. I want to introduce an ongoing membership scheme for dentists who have graduated from the core programme and want to stay in the tribe.
Do you know of somebody who could fulfill the sales manager role? If so -ask them to email me please.
The weakest link in my practice