I want to ask you a question this morning.
If I could GUARANTEE that I would have 50 people every month ring your front desk and ask for information on Invisalign, how much would you pay me for that?
p.s. I need you to know that the majority of those people would be complete strangers and many of them would be conducting a price comparison – so if you weren’t the cheapest Invisalign provider in your post code, there is NO GUARANTEE that they will attend your clinic for a consultation.
Oh – by the way – there are a few more GUARANTEES that I’m not prepared to give you:
- I cannot GUARANTEE that your front desk team will have the telephony or other communication skills (or the time) to answer the questions these strangers will ask and pull them in for a consult;
- I cannot GUARANTEE that these patients will proceed without interest-free finance, thereby reducing your net profit margin on the work by approximately 30%;
- I cannot GUARANTEE that, if these strangers proceed to treatment, they will be happy to mention you and your clinic in their social media channels;
- I cannot GUARANTEE that these patients will join your membership plan, or will attend regularly after their treatment for long term care;
- I cannot GUARANTEE these these patients will recommend you to their family, friends and colleagues.
Of course, I shouldn’t be expected to offer any of those GUARANTEES, because my job will simply be to get strangers to your front door – after that, it’s your problem, don’t blame me.
So given that, I refer to my original offer – how much will you pay me for those 50 strangers to call?
Oh – by the way – here’s a real-life example from a client of how these fantastic promises can work in practice:
- Client invests £1,000 pcm for three months in Facebook adverts for Invisalign;
- Front desk team receive 13 “qualified” leads for Invisalign;
- Of the 13, the clinic welcomes 3 potential new patients for consults;
- To date nobody has bought anything;
- Client loses confidence and pulls the campaign (not on my advice – on their own initiative).
Would you like to hear more examples like that, including the clinic that invested £15,000 in a three-month implant campaign and completed £5,000 of treatment at a profit of £1,500 on the treatment and a loss of £13,500 on the campaign?
Or the client who couldn’t understand why he wasn’t Google page #1 for Invisalign – until he discovered that his agency were promising to do exactly the same thing for another practice in his post code?
I’ve got loads of those stories.
So when and if you send me something like this (below) and ask my opinion – in future I’m going to save myself some time and refer you back to this blog post. I’ve no idea who sent this document to one of my clients and I’m not dissing their ability to send “QUALIFIED” enquiries.
If you are opening a private squat, you have my sympathy – but I’d still rather you dressed as a tube of toothpaste and stood outside your practice with flyers than invest your hard-won cash in attracting price-shoppers, bargain-hunters, teachers and engineers.
For those with an existing practice, I’d prefer that you invested the time and money in understanding one simple fact.
And then in training your team to become internal marketing champions.
Here’s the offer that inspired this post.

(In the interests of fair play – I’d be equally delighted to share success stories – if anybody has one?)
Mr Barrow, I Iove you. I too shall refer people to this post when they ask me that same question.
Awww. Love you too.
Hi Chris,
I don’t blame you for putting out this blog post. There are plenty of unscrupulous Facebook marketers out there who misrepresent the facts.
Of course internal marketing is extremely powerful – but be careful not to discount Facebook as a platform. If used correctly, with the right follow-up process in place, it’s an incredible marketing tool. It’s cost effective and highly-scalable.
The problem is that most people aren’t using it correctly… and the message that Facebook doesn’t work then gets reinforced by practice owners getting “burnt”. This is a perception I have to battle and deal with now every single day!
I did try to reach out to you a few times last year. One of your PDF guides mentioned that you hadn’t yet seen anyone use Facebook effectively in dentistry, and I reached out to you saying that I think I had cracked the code. I didn’t hear back though – perhaps it ended up in your spam?
Best regards
Thanks for the comment Derek – always interested in hearing real-life case studies – I’m at coachbarrow@me.com
Say what you do.
Do what you say.
Say please and thank you.
Ask for referrals.
Now where did I first hear that?
Only 25 years ago – and I nicked it.