The view from my hotel room window this morning – The Holiday Inn at Glasgow Airport.
Inspirational isn’t it – after I’ve been writing in the ezine and blog about “environments” this week?
Actually, it’s not trying to be inspirational – it’s succeeding in functionality.
After a full day of coaching with Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic (including a very interesting role-paly session in Tim’s surgery), I left Farnham at 4.15pm yesterday and drove 2 1/2 hours to Bristol Airport – there to email over another Starbucks Chai Tea Latte and catch the 8.30pm flight up to Scotland.
Last night, at 10.00pm, I began a meeting with a coporate accountant who is helping to raise capital for the next business venture. Our first meeting and I instantly like and respect him – the trust factor is provided by John Barry, who has introduced me to him.
Our conversation (helped by a couple of pints if ice-cold Guinness) concluded at 1.00am, with an agreement to meet for a half-day in London next week (Friday at the Showcase) to take matters further.
Whilst this is all exciting, I have to keep Team CB and myself focused on our core business – we have sales targets to meet this month and every month.
The good news is that interest in The Dental Business School is increasing every week.
Turning interest into cash flow is what all of or businesses are about.
After a couple of hours on-line this morning (and breakfast with John) I’ll be catching the 11.35am back to Bristol and then a 3-hour drive to Cornwall.
I suspect a weekend of rest but also the temptation to keep the professional ball rolling will be irresistable – pace not race Mr. Barrow – be careful.
It occurs to me, as I walk back to my room after breakfast – and see a newspaper, that I haven’t watched TV this week, or listened to a radio and I have no idea what’s going on in the world.
So the Holiday Inn Glasgow Airport was a functional place in which to arrive and depart within 14 hours. I just pity the poor holiday-makers who were littered around the bar last night – and the sales rep who engaged me in drunken conversation as I ordered a round of drinks at 10.00pm. He told me that he had popped down for a quick drink at 6, and was still there and clearly very much worse for wear.
He was speculating on how he would make it for his early EasyJet flight back to Bristol this morning. I’m glad I’m not on that one.
Business travellers – it’s a sad life we have sometimes.
Me? I’m on fire – opportunity, excitement and the knowledge that I have no idea what I’ll be doing in 12 months – it will just be bigger, better and even more fun.
The glamorous life of the business traveller