Monday means no coaching. Its a business development day (or buffer day as Dan Sullivan would describe).
I begin at 7.00am by writing this week’s ezine, then record my podcast, write this blog entry and, after a coffee break, will settle down to deal with those issues necessary to move my business forward.
Phone calls to suppliers and strategic alliance partners, conversations with my support team, some forward-planning of events we have in mind later in the year – and a general tidy up of loose ends in connection with administration, finance, technology – even tidying my work area.
Whilst I am in that mode, I can think and plan – which I cannot do whilst I am coaching, because I am so focused on the client(s) and their needs.
Planning business development days into your schedule is priceless, second only to free days, business development days are the place where your business grows. A friend of mine calls them “future profit days”.
The blessed business development day