Good morning from a sunny Doncaster.
Yesterday was as frustrating but ultimately successful first.
My first video-cast for the weekly ezine.
I sat down in my home office and recorded about 10 minutes of rambling professional and personal reflections – on my trusty Sony camcorder – and then realised that I was the proud owner of a 620Mb video file.
What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
First attempt at uploading the file to Kim Black’s server was fruitless – I wasn’t going to stand there and watch my lappie for 4 hours – so I popped out for a meeting with Bonnie – had lunch on my return – and discovered that the transfer had timed out.
Too late – I have to jump into the flying banana and drive 5 hours to Yorkshire – where I arrived at 9.00pm last night.
But the ever-helpful Kimberly was on hand.
As I sat in the reception at the Holiday Inn and she sat at home in California, we chatted through an upgrade to Windows Moviemaker – and I then learned how to compress my file to just 13Mb – which I then emailed to Kim via my trusty Vodaphone 3G datacard.
She and Alun will be busy compiling the ezine today – I have no idea what the finished product will look like – but fingers crossed that we can find a quick and easy way for me to create videos of practice tours, client interviews and testimonials – maybe even some workshop extracts.
I’ve got my Spielberg hat on (or maybe Tarantino?).
Watch out.
Thank you Kim for your constant support and calm understanding of my technology frustrations.
The age of video-streaming