Tell a story

Paddi made reference to this last week – and I was talking about it at yesterday’s marketing workshop.
You have to give your patients a “story” to tell their family, friends and colleagues.

I went to see my dentist the other day – and you’ll never guess what happened……

Nobody ever completed this sentence with….

they have a new OPG

he has just completed a course in advanced restorative dentistry

their practice management software is finally working

what they will say is

they offered me a cappucino in a branded cup

they gave me hot towels after treatment

they remembered I had run a marathon and asked how the day went

they thanked me for a referral and gave me a voucher for a night at the movies

I had my last appointment for my new smile – and they have arranged a complimentary portrait photo at a local studio

You get my point.

And be afraid – be very afraid – if they are saying

and that miserable old battle-axe is still on reception – I’m sick of her

and that snooty hygienist hurt me again

and they didn’t remember my marathon run

It’s all about creating good stories for people to tell.

Enjoy this..


Published by

Chris Barrow

Chris Barrow has been active as a consultant, trainer and coach to the UK dental profession for over 20 years. As a writer, his blog enjoys a strong following and he is a regular contributor to the dental press. Naturally direct, assertive and determined, he has the ability to reach conclusions quickly, as well as the sharp reflexes and lightness of touch to innovate, change tack and push boundaries. In 2014 he appeared as a “castaway” in the first season of the popular reality TV show “The Island with Bear Grylls”. His main professional focus is as Coach Barrow, providing coaching and mentorship to independent dentistry.