I’ve waited over 5 years for this “gig” and last night we began an 11 date tour of the UK.
What I had not anticipated (even though I had been told) was the sheer numbers of people who attend. About 800 at The National Motorcycle Museum last night and I am told upwards of 8000 over the full tour, including 2500 dental practice owners and 5500 of their team members. That’s about 25% of all the practice owners in Britain.
I do believe that 800 is the largest audience I have presented to in my 8-year visibility in dentistry and it was not only a pleasure but a blast.
It is such a nice change to arrive at the venue to see a stage being built, a full AV team, proper sound and light – and my Power Point presentation loaded and ready to go – a change from spending a half-hour on my hands and knees plugging laptop, projector and audio speakers into the power source and then switching everything on.
I am grateful to the sponsors, Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and the organiser, Dr Roy Higson of Stockport Dental Seminars, for making all of this possible.
Our line up for the evening is:
Stephen Hancocks – Smoking cessation for the dental team. Stephen is a former “wet fingered” dentist who now devotes his professional time to writing, editing, publishing and PR. He also owns Outlaw Theatre Company Limited, for which he writes, performs and produces.
Trevor Burke – Tooth Substance Loss – wear are we now? Trevor is Professor at Birmingham Dental School and combines the academic brilliance of a career researcher with a wry Irish humour.
Chris Barrow – Working Together – the team approach. For those who know me, my 9 steps to building a championship support team.
First night last night and we speakers gelled immediately – this is going to be fun.
As always, I began my presentation with authenticity – “I’d like to explain the reason I am here – not to advertise my coaching programme but to acquire email newsletter readers – if you like what I say and you like the cut of my jib, then go to www.thedentalbusinessschool.com and subscribe to my free ezine.”
We shall see by how many the readership grows in May.
At the end of the tour we are also considering sending the business owners a 60-minute audio CD of an “Introduction to The Dental Business School”.
I drove back home last night and will spend the day doing business development – then a 2 hour train ride to Watford for tonight – take the train and remove the strain – it will cost over £200 for the ticket but I’ll gain 4 hours to rest, think and plan.
Talking Points in Dentistry 2005 – The Opening Night