It has taken me until 10.30am this morning to feel as if I am at the start line for the day – that’s very unusual for someone who is usually sat in front of a laptop at 6.00am, answering the first emails.
That’s due in large measure to Air South West, one of whose aircraft broke down yesterday and, at the end of the resulting ripple effect, I arrived back in Falmouth at 12.30am this morning after three days of busy business travel.
So the first problem this morning (alarm call at 6.30am – a big lay in) was waking up – stand in shower for 10 minutes – and then unpacking the detritus that I have carried with me and accumulated since leaving on Sunday afternoon.
My bag of electronics seems to get smaller in size and larger in variety. Smaller speakers for the workshops (good) but now an extra bag containing camcorder and supporting nick nacks (bad).
Maybe I need roadies?
Yesterday was my last presentation for 2007 of our second DBS core workshop – primarily on financial controls – and I’m feeling that, after 10 years, I finally have this day “nailed”. That’s how long it’s taken.
I know the numbers in UK dentistry now – and can speak with authority and answer all sorts of side-winding questions.
Our audiences this week in Belfast and Manchester have been entertained, educated and evolved – and my sense of professional self-esteem is high.
Today is a hectic prospect.
As well as phone calls scheduled with our Mastermind Group members and the usual cut and thrust of emails – I am frantically rushing around with legal documents that have been emailed to me from the USA.
After more than 2 years of frustration, I hope to complete on the sale of my Florida property next week – admittedly at about 75% of market value but , as Seth Godin would say, sometimes you have to know when quitting is the right tactic.
I’ll be so glad to get that property and it’s servicing costs off my back – a genuine relief and victory – just as soon as I can find a Notary down here in Cornwall that will witness my signatures.
Later today I’m heading to Torquay – to spend 2 days as a delegate on somebody else’s workshop!
I’m attending my good friend Ashley Latter’s Ethical Selling Programme for a refresher after about 4 years – looking forward to it – I haven’t the time to go and too much work here at my desk – but I’m not going to miss it.
No idea whether there will be internet access where we are going – so we’ll see how soon I’m back on line.
Now – head down and get some work done.
Slow start