1 How did you first hear about CB?
Chris first came onto our radar about three years ago at a Practice Plan event, we spent a number of years downloading his infographics! These are hugely beneficial especially the one involving associate pay.
2 Why did you contact him for the latest cycle of coaching?
The end of 2017 saw us buy out our long term business partner. I felt it was important to have an independent view of the practice and assess the business. We had a fairly new management structure in place and rather than consolidate I felt we needed to ‘hit the ground running’!
3 What’s it like being a client and a member of his Tribe?
The Tribe is an invaluable resource, a community that genuinely shares ideas and successful approaches to running a dental practice. More importantly multiple members of the team have access to this which allows greater team integration rather than the principal alone disseminating thoughts for debate.
4 What difference has the coaching made?
Chris has the ability and experience to quickly judge ‘where your practice is at’.
Having listened to our ideas and combed through our accounts, Chris has become an invaluable facilitator and provided guidance during our management meetings.
We have kick started our ‘marketing machine’, remodelled our business plan and practice structure and begun the process of unshackling our specialist dentists by delegating maintenance to our hygiene-therapists.
Our ambition has been ignited which will allow us to grow and practice rewarding dentistry.
Stretch targets have been set for the next three years and CB’s continuing presence will hold us to account.
I can wholeheartedly recommend CB as a very astute investment!
RegardsMatthew J Wall
BDS (Lond)
DipImpDent RCS (Eng)
BDS (Lond)
DipImpDent RCS (Eng)