Four practice visits this week, in Alfreton, Derbyshire today, then on to Wetherby and Doncaster in Yorkshire and London later in the week.
Each of these days will be a unique, in-practice, tailor-made event.
I know that today will about financial analysis, productivity and profitability.
Tomorrow I’m not sure until I arrive.
Wednesday will be a one-day personal retreat for the owner – developing the vision for the next three years.
Friday in London will be the creation of a new brand, corporate image and marketing plan PLUS some sales training for my client’s team.
Thursday will be a pause in the proceedings. I’ll be briefly visiting with a long-standing friend and former client in Bolton to discuss possible coaching – and taking re-possession of my apartment in Altrincham after the current tenants have moved on.
A very busy week ahead – and my committment to running will be tested by the need for a switch to evenings – not the best of times for me to be exercising but better than nothing.
Needless to say, the week will be spent mainly in hotel rooms, although I intend to sleep in the apartment at the back end of the week – a welcome change.
Our Leadership Intensive on Friday and Saturday was an enormous success – Simon and I were on top form with an open-minded group and the testimonials and feedback sheets show 100% satisfaction – very satisfying.
Somewhere in all of this – we continue to race towards our own new brand, corporate image and marketing plan – with the 31st December rushing towards us.
Busy, busy, busy. One free day yesterday was not enough to recharge the battery.
Platinum week