Meeting patient needs

Here’s a true life story from a client:
Guy comes into practice, age 49.
Very anxious.
From the NHS practice 10 minute walk from ours.
I’ve got free gap of 40 mins, do a consult and I take my time.
He tells me: “the local didn’t work and they just seemed too busy to find out which tooth was causing the problem”
After 40 mins we have a treatment plan with consent for sedation to relax him and remove two failing teeth.
He doesnt flinch at the fee of £500.
“Well I wasted £45 down the road anyway. I just FEEL I’m being looked after here”
We have scheduled him in this week (after deposit 50%).
Moral: Some people are just busy fools.


Published by

Chris Barrow

Chris Barrow has been active as a consultant, trainer and coach to the UK dental profession for over 20 years. As a writer, his blog enjoys a strong following and he is a regular contributor to the dental press. Naturally direct, assertive and determined, he has the ability to reach conclusions quickly, as well as the sharp reflexes and lightness of touch to innovate, change tack and push boundaries. In 2014 he appeared as a “castaway” in the first season of the popular reality TV show “The Island with Bear Grylls”. His main professional focus is as Coach Barrow, providing coaching and mentorship to independent dentistry.