I arrive in Truro at 8.15am on Saturday morning, beating the last minute retail rush by 2 hours – and I’m finished and out by 10.15am.
The police have blocked traffic into the city centre, forcing shoppers to use the “park and ride” facility – but the Flying Banana makes it into the centre and out again.
As I drive in I hear on the radio that, in the UK, £500m will be withdrawn from ATM’s today and £2.5bn will be spent.
I’m slightly confused that tomorrow (Sunday) the shops will stay open to give us an even more terminal moment to fullfil our retail obligations – Christmas/Christian/Sabbath – where did all that go?
Possibly the saddest scene of the day is the dozens of stressed Dads roaming around looking for Nintendo Wii’s – all sold out, of course. The electronics shops have posters in their windows advising the lost tribes of parents not to bother entering the store. The Wii has beaten the PS3 hands down – read more here.
Anyway – I’m done.
Last minute shopping