Today was the first of our 3-day coaches Intensive in Toronto.
I’ve been here since Saturday afternoon and have enjoyed the beautiful weather and the bustling city over the weekend.
The Film Festival is in full swing (although I wouldn’t recognise a starlet if my life depended on it), U2 are playing 3 gigs this week (tickets on the black market at $500CDN) and there is a general air of optimism about the downtown area that is only slightly jaded by the numerous vagrants who are sleeping on the sidewalk.
One has been asleep under a blanket on the corner of Yonge and Richmond (and right outside Starbucks) for the 3 days I have been here, without a break. He just sits and waits, he doesn’t beg, although there is a sign by his blanket asking for money. I suppose he must get some – and maybe only packs up and moves at night when there is no audience.
Yesterday I bought myself a new pair of running shoes in the Eaton Centre and walked out for a bite to eat with my old trainers under my arm. In just a few minutes I passed one of these homeless guys and probably made his day and confused him by handing over a pair of Nike Air which looked good as new, even though I’ve run them out of bounce. He thanked me profusely and was suitably impressed when I told him his new shoes has completed the London Marathon this year. Actually, he more likely thought I was as mad as a hatter.
Which side of the wall is the asylum I wonder?
Back to today – a group of 16 of us began to share our progress of the last 90 days prior to some live coaching – and completed those 16 reviews just before the 5.00pm close of day one.
I felt like a proud parent – listening to the advances that each of our “tribe” have made. Some simply deciding on a niche and a message – others building programmes and web sites – a few actually recruiting clients and making a living.
At the close of day one I asked around the room what was their main impression – overwhelmingly it was confirmation that building a viable practice is a slow process.
That’s what I’ve always maintained – but my clients are now proving that the the slow way is the way that lasts.
The tortoise wins the race – as one client observed.
Whether its on the pavement outside Starbies, or building a practice, patience is perhaps a virtue.
Introductions that inspire