I’ve taken a plunge.
After a search on Google I found Mark White at http://www.betterbusinessblogging.com/.
After starting to read his free e-course on business blogging I called him in a technical emergency last week and found his style to be “right up my street” as well as in the same time zone and in relaxed English.
A telephone call yesterday had me happy with “what he had to say and the cut of his jib” and so I have hired him as a blogging coach, to assist in focusing this work.
Expect to see some changes in style and content over the months ahead.
This morning I enjoyed another coastal run before settling down to write this week’s ezine.
In a few moments I’ll be driving over to meet with my business manager, Bonnie and interviewing some potential suppliers of services to The Dental Business School – I’ll tell you more about that later this week.
Another recommend is a book I’m reading this week called “Get Known Fast” by Kiwi coach Tessa Stowe http://www.salesconversation.com/gkf.html
OK – I confess – Tessa sent me a complimentary copy of the book because I am one of the 21 coaches she interviewed in its creation – and yes, I did read my own interview first because I have a super-charged ego.
It’s a great book – and comforting to realise that all of the coaches hold to the same basic principles that building a coaching practice is about:
1. Visibility – gig, gig, gig, gig and
2. Persistence – recognising that the process takes years not months and
3. Specialisation – working with a very narrowly-defined niche market.
Each coach has found a different niche market and a slightly different way to create momentum (which makes the book such a good resource).
Finally – I am so pleased that every coach interviewed seems to have an ego as needy as my own – phew!
Hiring a blogging coach