Here’s my rather splendid office on the 32nd floor of the Toronto Hilton – The Executive Lounge – and , as you can see, I’m alone up here and have been for the last hour or so.
More free wireless and unlimited drinks – but no people is kind of doing my head in – so much so that, earlier, while my room was being cleaned, I wandered, lonely as a cloud, to Starbucks and sat writing emails for an hour while the office workers of Toronto buzzed around me.
It’s good to ear-wig some of the conversations and wonder what they are all really about. Everyone thinks their own issues are so important.
On my way to Starbucks I stumbled across a new book-store – “Books for Business” and had to drag myself out after 10 minutes because I had mentally spent hundreds of dollars. A cornucopia of business writing – and I suspect I’ll be back there before I leave.
I’m just about to head back to my room for a 6.00pm (UK) conference call with my dental clients – then I’ll be taking a break and walking over to the Eaton Centre for a bit of window shopping.
My plans are developing well – I’m jet-lagged today but making steady progress through my personal “to-do” list.
Once again I am reminded how valuable reflection and thinking time is.
Getting my act together