Last week saw me arrive back in Cornwall on Friday evening in burn out.
I’ve been around long enough to recognise the symptoms which, apart from
sheer exhaustion, manifest themselves in an inability to focus and
concentrate on tasks.
You know that moment when you realise you have been shuffling paper around your desk, or staring at the computer screen and moving icons – but nothing productive is actually happening?
It happens and sometimes events conspire to wear you out.
What’s important is that:
1. You can recognise when it is happening;
2. You get “off the oil-rig” before you endanger yourself and others;
3. You have people who can support you;
4. You can truly “switch off” and get some rest.
So the computer was relegated to a corner of my home office, the week’s mail was left unopened until Monday morning – and a period of recovery was instigated.
Which meant a fun-filled evening on Friday listening to Sea Shanties (see
earlier post), a day of sleep and reading on Saturday (more sleep than
reading on the sofa) and a wonderful walk along the South West Cornwall
coastal pathway on Sunday.
Big sky, broad horizons, the sea, the smells, open fields, gentle exercise,
good conversation.
So I wanted this post to be about recognising when you are burning yourself out and doing something about it.
Get off the rig