Its the weather – it’s terrible!
Falmouth Week is in full swing – and that’s supposed to mean open-air concerts and all sorts of crowds watching water-born activities.
Last night I even saw crews from the Fastnet race who have been blown off course and just given up – gone to the pub.
The town is looking like a zombie movie – hundreds of families in crocs and plastic raincoats, staggering dejectedly along the streets and looking into shop windows for the umpteenth time.
After dinner last night we wandered down into Event Square and patiently waited in a freezing wind for the evenings free concert. After a half-hour of hypothermia, a groupof young men broke into a gypsy dance band rendition of protest songs – all accordions and violins – bloody awful racket.
Over in the Pavilions, the lucky ones were waiting to hear from the headline act – Sophie Ellis-Bextor- oh dear.
Last year we enjoyed a “Last Night at the Proms” – this year – I know the weather hasn’t helped – but I think the organisers have lost the plot a bit.
Saturday’s Caribbean dance night will be a wonder to behold.
Needless to say – Pizza Express is jam-packed. We were turned away at 6.30pm – no tables and a 45-minute delay in the kitchens – and, as I have mentioned, it’s the biggest in Europe!
Today I’m off to a local hotel for a full-day management meeting – and this afternoon we are meeting with a Falmouth design agency to dicuss corporate image for the new company.
I hope it stops raining.
Doing my head in