Dental workshop in Exeter today – there were only 3 dental practices represented, a total of 11 people in the room.
But that’s OK and a nice contrast with the needs of a room of 100+ people in Leeds next week.
Today we were introducing a new group to the first quarter material on 3-year planning and time management.
I was especially impressed with the personal and commercial quality of the practices present. Scores on the Clean Sweep 100 and the Dedicated Dentist 100 were higher than I’m used to.
Not sure what that’s telling me – maybe that our marketing is attracting the more evolved practice now?
Having said that, we began the day with three male practice owners who said:
a. I don’t have any business skills
b. I’m working too many hours
c. I’m not making enough money
d. My team could do with some leadership
e. I’m not sure where to go next with all of this.
Nothing new there then.
I have enjoyed the more relaxed atmosphere – and working back with Barbara and Steph for the first time (my support team).
Tomorrow we have earmarked for a team meeting – to discuss our current position, three month plans and 12-month plans for the business.
Also to take a further scalpel to the cash flows and run ourselves mean and lean for a few months until new client acquisition improves in the Autumn.
Devon and Cornwall Group