Busy day today. I wrote my two ezines first thing this morning – a little later than usual because of my weekend travels and yesterday’s webinar.
After some professional niff naff and trivia I then welcomed Guy Levine to my Manchester apartment along with his fantastic equipment pack – and we turned my place into a recording studio for the rest of the working day.
After some discussion on our strategy for The Online Business School (OBS) we recorded our first audio-presentation for coaches:
“What do you do for a living?”
How to stop people running the other way when you tell them you are a coach.
Are trying to define or redefine the service that you provide as a coach?
Have you wrestled with identifying the niche market that you want to work with?
Do you struggle to answer the question “what do you do for a living”?
In this 60-minute audio presentation, Chris Barrow, founder of his own single-handed 7-figure coaching practice shares, through a combination of his own personal evolution as a coach and a series of practical tips and “how to’s”, the answer to three essential questions:
1. How do I decide on what service to offer as a coach?
2. How do I identify the best niche market for me and for service?
3. How do I introduce myself at professional events in a way that will have people asking for more information?
Watch out for the launch of this virtual product in a few weeks time.
Lots of fun to create the presentation, including ringing phones and passing police cars.
This evening I fulfilled my duties as a loving son – visiting my mother and listening patiently to a vivid description of all of her illnesses and the illnesses of all family members.
Then as a caring father, taking my 12-year old daughter and her best friend out for a pizza and vanilla ice cream. The two of them never stopped talking for 2 hours – and I enjoyed my pizza (rocket and Parmesan) and a cappuccino.
Tonight I co-presented Lesson 5 of our “Get your practice finances in gear” programme with Dr Tim Thackrah.
What a good day!
I’m tired and will grab an early night.
Creating a passive revenue product