Three days on the road, in Bristol, Scotland and Doncaster – and hardly a moment to rest, let alone write blog posts!
Today we are at The Norton House Hotel, just outside Edinburgh, where another large group are enjoying our third workshop on customer service, the Patient Journey and selling skills.
UK dentistry is changing – there is a silence at some times as I can see the clients’ minds ticking over – thinking about the changes they need to make to stay ahead of the competition.
Because of my travel schedule this week, I am falling behind with emails and other work.
That wasn’t helped by a 5.30am alarm call from the Hilton this morning that failed to materialise.
I won’t share with you my first words when I woke at 7.00am this morning – suffice to say that a rush followed but I was still primed and ready to go at 9.00am.
It’s been a good two days and tomorrow will be a nice change, guest speaking at somebody else’s conference!
Shortly, off to the airport and yet another flight.
Busy workshop schedule