I’m about to start my third week of working mainly from a desk (although that desk has been alternately a home office and a garden table during our recent glorious weather). This is in stark contrast to months of “road warrior” lifestyle in the first half of the year.
It has been a chance to come “off the road” and create the space in which to think, plan and prepare for the months from September to December, when I have ambitious marketing plans and sales targets.
I will be conducting my annual retreat with Team CB in 10 days from now and the preparation for those three days is already beginning in my mind.
With that objective, I have been enjoying some reciprocal coaching with a friend and former client, Joel Deceuster www.joeldeceuster.com, who utilises “Best Year Yet” goal-setting systems and software.
Joel and I have been discussing my 90-day goals, 12-month plan and 3-year vision for about 3 months now (I’m a terrible client) and, last week, I finally did some homework and began the process of creating written goals, plan and vision using their proprietary software – you can take a look at their products and services at www.bestyearyet.com (although the software is, in my opinion, only as good as the coach who coaches – and Joel is an excellent coach).
Joel respectfully pointed out that my first set of goals weren’t goals – they were visions, deftly cut and pasted from my mission statements – so it’s back the drawing board this week – to set some goals that are much more specific and measurable than just “make more profit in less time and be happier!”.
I have also made a significant change to my work/rest/play habits this morning.
Having “health” as one of my core values has been an enigma these last 3 years, as the vissicitudes of my personal and professional life have left me an ex-Marathon runner whose nutrition, exercise and meditation have been a poor third place in the priority list, after work and work.
Today I made a decision – that I have to exercise before I switch on the darn technology and get sucked into the time machine of virtuality.
Today I rose at 5.45am and drove 10 minutes to the coast – there, I ran along the coastal pathway for an hour, inspired and exhilarated by the rising sun, by the waves crashing on the cliffs and by the absence of people and technology.
Arriving back to shower, change and breakfast, I switched “it” all on at 8.45am, instead of the usual 6.00am.
We shall see what difference that makes if I can keep that successful habit going for 21 days.
Business planning and goals