Based on the last 6 months of listening to my clients……
Things about dental practice marketing that I believe in
- A well constructed web site with
- video showreel introduction to the premises and team
- no stock photos anywhere
- free guides that can be downloaded in return for email addresses and permission to add the subscriber to a newsletter database
- on-line booking
- live chat (when there is someone live!)
- links to social sites
- lots and lots of patient testimonial videos
- SEO done properly with specific instructions on
- treatment modalities and
- locations
- Social media management full of human interest stories
- created on Facebook
- repurposed across other social channels
- requests to “check in” on Facebook (for charity) and to respond to the subsequent automated review request (for charity)
- A weekly practice blog full of human interest stories – up to 250 words
- A monthly email newsletter full of human interest stories – up to 1,000 words
- A morning huddle to discuss the day list and identify patients with human interest stories or those at the end of treatment
- An End of Treatment Conversation that requests
- selfies
- reviews (with an explanation handout)
- video or written testimonials
- plan membership
- Weekly marketing meetings
- Treatment Co-ordinators
- Marketing champions
Things about dental practice marketing that I’m not convinced about
- Paid digital media
- Google advertising
- Facebook advertising
- Newspaper advertising
- except for a few specialised subjects i.e. dentures
- Automated email marketing systems that are not controlled in-house
- Team members trying to squeeze marketing on top of other responsibilities, especially reception and nursing