In about 4 hours I’ll be leaving for a 2-week vacation and the laptop will be staying in the UK.
Reflecting on the last 5 days of business activity it has been a time of deep thinking personally and careful listening to what Team CB and others have told me about their perceptions around my business.
I have a clear vision of where I want The Dental Business School to be in January 2008 and the beginnings of a plan of action and set of goals to get us there.
There was a moment of overwhelm yesterday, when I thought about the “to do” list that we all have from September onwards – but that is a healthy and exciting version of overwhelm and I can live with it.
Overall, I feel as if I am making a transition from coach to entrepreneur, from practice to business. From “one-man band” to leader. It is feeling like the biggest shift I have made in my thinking in the last 15 years – and that is simultaneously exhilarating and daunting.
Looking forward, I’m hoping that this blog will become not just a knowledge bank of tips for dentists and other coaches but also an account of my journey towards leadership. If the legacy of that is to inspire others to make the same journey, then I will have fulfilled an important part of my professional mission statement.
For now – it’s laptop away and the careful choice of a few non-business books to read (see right and below).
I’ll probably return with a few customer service tales to tell – I cannot help myself.
Away until 4th September